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Saturday, May 18, 2024

New Music from Don Panzik

Today is very special day for Melodic Playground. Our Radio station has been broadcasting 24 hours a day since the pandemic. However, this year we decided to open the doors and begin playing music from other deserving artists, talented enough to take up air time on Melodic Playground Radio. It's not just DJ Meladik, now we have a new wave of underground and indie artists that truly deserve some shine.

One of the first artists recently added to our station's rotation is a hometown talent known as Don Panzik. Don began his entertainment journey in 1979 as a wedding singer which lead to him becoming a DJ shortly after. That chapter of his life lead to the forming of his first band "Eden" traveling as a top 40 band touring the Virgin islands and New England States. Don is actually from our backyard! He lived in Mocking Bird Canyon,,, near Lake Matthews! He moved to Tennessee in 2019 where he joined an amazing band called Mocking Bird Canyon  and if you follow the link below to visit their website you can actually get a free track for becoming a "Rocking Bird". Volume 1 is available today and worth every penny, the quality of music this super team creates is becoming more and more rare these days.

Today we added a total of six Don Panzik tracks to our global radio station. Everyone agrees that there favorite song is the one called "She" but his newest release "Where's Dolly" is trying to compete. Only DJ Meladik has more music in rotation on our station. We love Don Panzik Music so much we flooded the station with his voice and tunes. We all love each beat and each note from every song we have heard and Don's sound really does make our station sound better. While we are trying to keep a great balance to keep attracting listeners of all genres, Don's music is so good that is can be appreciated by any demographic. It really does cross over genres and transcend stereotypes. His song "She" even had producer @JaeHarp_ bopping when he was listening to our radio station and it sparked the idea of a remix or cover to help bring this track and this artist the attention deserved. 

Recently Don's new home is just south of Nashville and the entire region suffered a massive 800 mile storm. Tornadoes, flooding and the aftermath to survive. We are asking everyone reading this to take the time to not only pray for Don and his family but also the whole state and anyone affected. We should do more! The least we can do is pray...

Supporting a talented artist or band that deserves it will always be in the cards for Melodic Playground. However adding such a unique talent from Riverside raises the stakes. Not only is Don Panzik and company better than the rest but this is a hometown love and the combination of the two means we will relentlessly do more to share the music and support the movement. So its safe to say Don Panzik and friends are now part of the family. Be sure to add Don Panzik to all of your favorite playlists on Spotify and Apple Music. Check out the links below and add Don Panzik to your timelines. Show some love and tune in.

Don's main page - https://donpanzik.com

its all on Dot - https://dot.cards/donpanzik

Don on Facebook - https://facebook.com/donpanzikmusic

Band Page - https://mockingbirdcanyonroad.com

Don Panzik on Spotify - Click Here

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