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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

3 Albums in 3 Months - Summer 2024

My entire life has been a struggle so it was only fitting that the Summer of 2024 would present some of the most difficult challenges of my adult life. Once again I was forged by a fire that not only fueled my survival but in turn strengthened the man made of steel. I have a podcast to tell my crazy story. However I just can't record enough episodes to keep up with the roller coaster rides. The smiles, the cries and living on the edge of insanity. My entire life I have dealt with the pains in my brain by playing sports or losing myself into the perfect song that expressed my mood. This is why I created Melodic Playground.... to express myself.

The radio station is nearing it's 5 anniversary but the truth is it's like a baby chick trying to break out the shell. Melodic Playground Radio still has yet to stretched it's legs. Believe it or not I was a rapper in my past life. I learned how to mix and DJ on a basic level but it wasn't until the pandemic that I took my first music lesson. So for the record I created Melodic Playground Radio before i ever had my first music lesson. 6 lessons to be exact and I spent more time talking than learning. So I truly am self taught and Youtube is my only sensei. 

I began broadcasting 24 hours a day, My music only. Really you can call it my learning process. I would listen to my radio station to take a break from the other radio stations and eventually my radio station got bigger and better. This year I opened it up to other artists in my network that deserve some shine and now my radio station sounds just as good as any other station out there. Some might say it's better and if they aren't, they will be saying it soon. My plan is turn it into an official ascap station for 2025.

With these plans in sight it was time to drop my 1st album , the appetizer " Meladik Kandy " but the day after my release someone crashed into my car. Long story short, when Queen Meladee was in the hospital we were forced to get a cheaper insurance company and now they are trying to say the car is totaled. They are trying to leave me without a car, no money to get a new car and a $7,000 debt on a car they the finance company is trying to reclaim because the insurance company ( which has yet to look at the car ) is saying it's totaled. The whole system is rigged and both law firms I hired , Colony Law and Sweet James have extremely disappointed me. The driver hit me, admitted it and still every institution involved is getting paid at my expense. No urgency to get me car, no conscience to do the right thing for the victim. I will be talking about this more in detail in the future but I had to mention it today to explain how my whole summer was taken from me.

With no car I began losing clients and my day job was fading away. I was losing way more than I was making because Melodic Playground was suppose to be my hobbie / side job. This Summer I had no choice but to spend 12-15 hour shifts at the studio. Making music, marketing artists, advertisers and sponsors. I use to do 12 hours of construction so 12 hours in the music studio is nothing to me but while I am over here trying to keep the dream alive, one of my so called best friends wanted me to commit a crime. He wanted me to cash some blank checks in my bank account. Sounds like a set up right? Doesn't it Sound like I would have easily been caught...  makes you think like he wasn't really a friend right?

Plenty of other things went wrong this Summer and on the verge of ending up in Patton Mental Facility. I locked myself in the studio and did it again. I was able to get another sponsor which paid for the mastering on " Secret Sauce " and that gave me the medicine of hope. Hope is stronger than most drugs and for someone like me just a sniff of Hope was all I needed to keep the dream alive.

These songs have feelings and help me get through my rough days, so I really don't care if anyone else listens. Finishing the songs, mastering them and working on the album covers took my mind off the turmoil I was going through. Kept me out of jail. Many of the songs made me feel proud of how far I have come as engineer but I know I have much more to learn. I don't have the skills to express myself the way I want but I am getting closer with each track and " Gunna Luv Me" is a sample of what's on the way.

The Be Dope Mixtape was the 3rd album of the Summer. I was able to use samples of my Daughter "  Princess Rayleen" on a few songs. Queen Meladee was the model for my album cover and B-Dope Water came back to sponsor the album and pay for my mastering. This Summer was testing but in many ways the perfect definition of my life. Nothing in my life goes as planned. It's always a uphill battling a slippery slope but I don't give up because I have this fire inside of me... a passion burning to be what I really want to be, who I really want to be. I am sooooo close, I can feel it. Stay Tuned in for the Next Episode, might end up on 

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